Kammer & Totemic Taxonomy Exhibit
Science Museum Oklahoma |
Exhibit Design
The Brief: Science Museum Oklahoma is a museum and art space promoting
science literacy with the development of exhibits and programs. They challenged Funnel Design Group to lead the charge in developing the identities, way-finding, and marketing pieces for various exhibits coming through their art space, Satellite Galleries.
For this exhibit, there was a need for two separate identities for a dual show that could not only exist and work separately, but also inform each other. I opted to create a set of monochromatic identities that could work together in inversed colors. Triangular prism-like shapes were used as unifying elements and also wayfinding guides throughout the exhibits as one flowed into the other within the same space.
Role: Identity Development | Print Design | Exhibit Design | Environmental Design | Art Direction
ECD: Sean Cobb
Design Director: Angela Renai Comer
Agency: Funnel Design Group